Snwt (Priestess) "Amachi" is a Nigerian and Native American name which means "Who knows what God has coming through this child." This name was given to her and as well as "Malenga" A Kiswahili name that means "Physical and Spiritual Master and one who likes to sing" in 2006 by Priestess Kuumba Head Teacher and facilitator of (Chrysalis Sisters) and it fits her perfectly. She has beaten the odds on many levels throughout her life and gained much wisdom as well as developed her intuitive skills. Then in 2007, she started learning and taking classes about The Kemetic Spiritual Legacy with Sba Heri Khafra Tepi (High Priest) of the Temple of the White and Gold Lotus and utilizing his authored book, The Pyramid Matrix, A Guide for Survival and Success.
She was also given her Incarnation Objective through the Ausar Auset Society in 2012 as that ushered in her name of Het-Heru Maat.
She was then given the name Ifalase Fayemi by her godfather Chief Oluwo Baba Obafemi Fayemi Epega of O.I.D.S.I in 2013 while given her hand in Ifa and Esu, Ogun and warriors as an Aborisha.
Sistar Amachi then continued her spiritual journey with RA Sekhi Arts Temple with Head Priestess Rekhit Mwt Kajara NiaYaa Nebthet to continue her training as a healer in Reiki and in many other areas and then a becoming a Teacher and Priestess of the Ra Sekhi Arts Temple and was given her name of Nbt Sa-t Ptah Htp.
Sistar Amachi also continued her work with the Richmond Reiki Healers founded by Sister Joyce Branch. Sister Joyce also was her first Usui Reiki Teacher passing on attunement in 2006.
With the blessings of Ras Creation, Sistar Amachi then established the Kuzinduka Healing Collective in 2015.
Sistar Amachi Malenga (Het-Hru Nbt Sa-t Maat Ptah Htp Ifalase Fayemi Atiba) has been a fixture in the enlightened community for many years soaking in years of knowledge from Queen Mothers, Master Teachers and contemporaries from different disciplines. She has acquired wisdom, skill and has developed her spiritual wisdom in the process.
Sistar Amachi has certifications in several healing modalities including Certified Detoxification Therapist with Dr. Akua, EFT tapping, Hypnotherapy and continues her study and training in other areas of holistic wellness and health.
Throughout the years, Sistar Amachi has supported many others dreams while working on herself. She is known to have a strong presence with a loving disposition. Her mind is always working, and she is the epitome of living to have good character, which she has devoted her life to honing.
Sistar Amachi is Kemetic- Healer Priestess, Ra Sekhi Reiki Teacher/Master, Usui Reiki Master, Garveyite, Aborisha, Ordained Minister, Teacher, Reflexologist, Life Coach, Oracle/Diviner, Herbalist, Astrologer, Mindfulness Coach, Jewelry Maker, Singer, Musician, Dancer, Wife, Daughter, Mother of all and Sister among other titles.
She continues to move forward walking in Iwa Pele (balanced character), strength and Ma'at. Check out the ancestors' work exhibiting thru her as she continues to Khepera (transform) to add value to herself, her family and the lives of others through the arts of all kinds...Healing arts, Dance Arts, Singing Arts, Jewelry Arts and Spiritual Connections.
Throughout the years she has transformed into a butterfly, sovereign and soon to be self-sustained with the help of the spirits. Peace n Merrrrrrrrr! (Love)! HEALING AND HARMONY!!!